Saturday, May 16, 2015

School Trip Pictures | Curitiba

Last week I went to Curitiba, a city in a neighbor state, to visit some museums as a school subject complement. I love this city, it is filled of cultural activities, the museums are incredible. First thing we did was to visit the botanical garden, it was just beautiful and amazing. And gigantic! We thought we had walked around the entire park, but there was a lot more to see than we thought there was. We just couldn't see everything because of our lack of time.

Then we went to the Expeditionary Museum. This museum is about WWII, specially the participation of Brazil in the war. It is filled with items that belonged to soldiers, not just from Brazil, but from the other countries too, like germany.

After having luch at the mall, we went to the holocaust museum. I couldn't take pictures of it because we weren't allowed to, but still the experience was incredible. They gave us a little identification booklet, where in it was the history of someone who lived during the holocaust, survived and imigrated to Brazil. It was a thrilling experience. The museum is very interactive, there were telephones in the wall that you could pick up and hear a story from someone who experienced the holocaust. If you have the chance to visit Curitiba, you should totaly go to this museum.

Our last museum was the the Oscar Niemeyer Museum. It is a modern art museum, very beautiful. It is knowed for its eye shape, being called here in Brazil as "Museu do Olho", that literary means Eye Museum.

Hope you all enjoyed this post. Have a great weekend,


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