Such a simple question, but sometimes people don't know the answer to it. I didn't know the answer to it until a few days ago, before I actually thought about it and wrote the reasons down on a piece of paper. The idea for this post came from a video on youtube that the title was the same as the title of this post. The video just made me think a lot about the subject and reflect about my motives and reasons that I, myself, read.
Well, it might be a foolish thing to think about, and probably write about. There are so many things to think about and I am specifically thinking about why I read. Is something unusual to ponder on about, because is reading, everyone does it and anyone can do it. You don't need a reason.
I never thought I had a reason. I just read because I just like doing so. You might say " But Ana, that reason is very common, everybody reads for that reason, and it is not a very interesting blog post topic". Well, it isn't that interesting of a topic to read about, but I just feel writing what is in my mind, and well, this is.
I read because I love the way it makes me feel. Cliché, I know. But it is true. I love the feeling of belonging that it gives, like I am a part of something bigger, another place, another world. Is like an escape, actually it IS an escape. You can go wherever you want, wherever you feel like to. And be whoever you want in this new place. You just have to pick a book from yourshelf and dive in to this new and fantastic world.
Sometimes when I feel stressed out, I like to read a very high fantasy book, filled with magic and magical creatures, just so that I can escape far far away from this reality and world for a little bit.
I read because I like the way books feel. Having a book in your hands is just incredible.When I hold a book and open the pages is like I'm opening my on Narnia wardrobe and preparing myself to a new adventure a new identity. When you flip the page there is always that thing that happends in your stomach when you are enthusiatic, anxiety when in flipping the page and knowing what is going to happend.
I'm not going to lie, books make be feel intelligent and clever. I might sound arrogant, but I will promise I'm not. It is a good feeling, makes me feel more confident about myself, like I can make my dreams come true, like I can conquer what I want in life.
Books become your best friend. That's another reason I read. I have friends in real life of course, but in a book you can find a place and people who you can talk to without being judge and always being able to go back to it's company. It might seem crazy to people that don't feel this connection with a book to consider it your friend. Well, it might seem crazy, actually it is a little, but someone who reads knows what it feels.
I read because I like to disapper once in a while. You know that feeling that you have when you forget that you are reading a book and that it seems that you are in the story. You lose track of time and become engaged to the story, is like you forget that it is not real, that it is just a book. I love that feeling.
I read because I like to learn. I think that there is no better way of learning about something if not reading a book. I've learn so much throughout the years that I read that I think I could not even measure it. In a world that technology has overshadow the books, is hard to find someone who picks a book up to learn about a certain topic. Even I don't do that sometimes.
I read because I like to understand people. I noticed that I became, after starting reading, a listener. I can understand people very easily without judging them. And I have to thank my books for that. I think when you read, specially when reading in the first person perspective, you learn alot about listening. You understand the characters, because is like you are in their heads, you know what they are thinking and what they are feeling. And in my experience with that in books, transpired in my personality and in real life.
There is probably a lot other reasons that I read and why I love to do it. But that's all I could think of and write down. Feel free to share the reasons you read and why do you like it so much, down bellow, on the comment section. I hope you didn't think I was insane because of this post.
So have a great weekend,
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