Friday, April 10, 2015

Liebster Award

As you can read from the title, today I am going to respond to the Liebster Award and I was nominated by Nabila from the blog Nabila's Blog The Journey of My Life. This tag is a great way to dicover new blogs, and it was created specially for blogs that have less than 200 followers. 
Before we start I just want to thank Nabila for nominating me, and make sure you check out her lovely blog. 

Ok. Let's first start with the rules of this tag, shall we?

  1. Thank & link the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions.
  3. Nominate 11 small blogs who have less than 200 followers. You should believe that they deserve this award, and include their links in your post.
  4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. Notify these nominees via social media/blogs.


Here are the questions that Nabila gave me and my answers:

  1. What is you current favorite song?   
I am already going to start kind of with a cheat, because I couldn't the choose between two songs. This week I discovered two new songs and let me tell you, I am loving them. The first one is Rules by Nat and Alex Wolff, you know the boys from The Naked Brothers Band? Trust me I was suprised too. But well check the song and the band out, they are awesome I promise you. 
And the second song is  C.O.P.S Came by Em Harriss, I don't know much about the singer because the song was suggested by spotify, but it is such an awesome song, I really recommend it.

     2. Best compliment  you have ever received?

This is a tricky question to answer without sounding superficial, but I do have a compliment that I received by my creative writing teacher that made my day. It wasn't the best compliment in the whole entire world, but it was a nice compliment and I really appreciated. He just said that my writing style was really great and that my essay was very interesting to read.

    3. Ugly and live forever OR pretty and die in a year?

I'm a true believer that there is no such thing as ugly, I think every person is beautiful and it is not society's duty to determine who is pretty or who isn't. You become pretty in the moment you love and accept yourself the way you are. My answer would be than to be "ugly" and live forever, because living forever sounds awesome, imagine living in all generations and compare the world now and then.

   4. What question you hate answering?

This one is easy I think, probably negative questions about my transition to natural hair. People always ask " Your hair was so great straight, why would you go back to curly?" or  "Your hair is so frizzy, why don't you just straighten or relax your hair again?". I don't mind answering about my curly hair, but comments and questions that have a negative tone I won't be so willing to answer.

 5. What cheers you up?

A cup of coffee and a piece of cake on Saturday mornings. I know, very specific, but it is 100% the truth. I love waking up early on Saturdays and having breakfast with my family,

6. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Breakfast obviously. I love everything about breakfast.

7.  What age you wish you could be?

Sometimes I wished I was older or I wished that I could go back to when I was 10 or 12, but life is life and well we get older every year, natural. I think I wouldn't never truly wish that I could be older or younger. 

8. The scariest thing you have ever experience?

I don't know how to answer this question, cause I don't remember experiencing something really scary, or half scary or just scarry at all. Well looking at the bright side, that is good right? 

9. What do you do for fun?

Well my fun probably is not everyone's type of fun. I like to go to the movies and bookstores, I read, watch netflix, blog, write, do ballet, bake, watch old movies, go out with friends and there is probably more but i can't remember.

10. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I like to think of myself as both, but sometimes the introvert inside speaks louder, I like to stay home sometimes by myself with my own thoughts, I really don't enjoy going out partying or going somewhere that is really crowded. I belive that people become extrovert when they talk about things that they really are passionate about, like when I talk about books.

11. What are some of your favorite websites?

Netflix, Bloglovin, Tumblr, Youtube, Barnes&Noble and College Board.


Well that's all the questions I had to answer, and now it is my time to give the questions and nominate the blogs. Ok, the blogs I nominate are these lovely ones:

And here are the questions:

  1. Favorite childhood Tv show or cartoon?
  2. What's the last book you read?
  3. What's your dream job?
  4. Where is the last place you traveled to?
  5. Why did you start blogging?
  6. Do you have a fashion inspiration? If yes, who?
  7. What language do you wish you could speak?
  8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  9. What's your favorite season?And why?
  10. Going to a fancy party and being underdressed OR going to a very casual party and being overdressed?
  11. If you could go back in time would you change anything?

If you answer these questions please let me know, I would love to see your answers. Hope you all have a great weekend,



  1. Thanks for writing this post, loved reading your post x

  2. HEY! thanks so much for the nominations. You're answers are on my blog :)
