Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Tumblr

I really enjoy tumblr, it is just such an interesting way to share beautiful pictures and really show your personality with a blog. Probably every human being in the world knows what tumblr is and this post is kind of useless, but I just wanted to share my tumblr, not for self promotion or anything like that, but just for fun. I am really liking how my tumblr is looking right now, very simple, light, polish and I love the mint color. I love reblogging art, like Monet and Van Gogh, movies like Clueless and Tv Shows like Friends and Gossip Girl, and of course Audrey Hepburn pictures.

My Tumblr ✿

Hope you are having a awesome weekend, and that you enjoyed this little and simple post. Feel free to follow me on Tumblr and comment your tumblr link down bellow,



  1. I have nominated you to do the Liebster Award tag because I think you have a great blog! For more information you can check my post here: It's a great way to get blogs noticed! Once you've finished, let me know as I'd love to read your answers! x

    1. Thank you so much for the nomination and for complementing my blog, your seems lovely too. I would love to answer the tag, it will be my next post for sure.

      thanks again,

