Friday, February 6, 2015

5 Tips To Get Into Reading

I already told the story of how I got into reading, but I did kind of lots of mistakes that almost got me tired of reading, and these tips are almost all based on experiences that I've been through. I got into reading by starting with the wrong book for me, it was too big and with a topic that I wasn't even interested about and it took me a year to read it, and what I learn about that event help me to choose better reads and in consequence never getting bored of reading again.

  1. Find a topic that you are interested in. This is one of the most important steps, because if you are reading something that you don't like, you will get tired and bored of reading it and probably not going to read anything ever again with the thought that every single book is going to be like that. Well, it is not like that at all, you just have to figure out what interests you more and what would you like to read about. If you like video games or fashion, Egyptian mythology and Star Wars, I'm sure you are going to find books about those topics and like them.
  2. Start small. I recommend starting with a book that has less than 300 pages, it is not to long that you will get tired of reading and dropping it in the middle, and it is not too short that it can't be considered a book. Of course, if you don't feel comfortable in reading this much pages you can always start with less, or if you feel like you are ready for a bigger number of pages you can always read more. 
  3. Take your time. If you need a week, a month or even a year to finish a book, don't worry, take your time and don't put pressure on yourself  and do not do it for peer pressure of others either. Of course one day you will have to challenge yourself to read on a small space of time for a school assignment or even if you become an avid reader, but it does not have to be now if you are just starting to get into reading.
  4. Find your style of reading. One of the things that I like more about reading is the diverse styles that they can be found in. There is a lot of styles you can choose from to read, like comic books or newspaper, graphic novels or series, physical books or ebooks, and much more. The fun about all of this is that doesn't have to be about one thing OR the other, you can read each one of these styles if you like them and never get bored of just reading one type. Find the one that you feel most comfortable with and start right now.
  5. Find a place to read comfortably without distractions. If you are new to reading I would totally recommend reading somewhere you feel comfortable and relaxed at and where there is no one and any technology that can distract you around. Well, sometimes your comfy place is a crowded subway or somewhere that is filed with computers and cell phones, this is a very personal option and tip, but a very important one. Finding a place that you feel secure at is a key step for your reading to flow naturally.

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