Sunday, July 26, 2015

Vegan Journey | Week #1

Last year, I went to the nutricionist and I told her that I wanted to become vegan, but she immediately said no. It was something that I really wanted to do, meat just wasn't good for me, I felt awful after eating every meal that had meat inclueded. But my doctor said that it was better for me if I stucked with the diet I had, because I had already iron insufficiency and if I cut meat, it would become worse. So I decided to forget about becoming vegan and start a different lifestyle, to just focus on my healthy diet and gain the weight I lost because of my lactose intolereance  ( I lost 20 pounds by the way because of my intolerance, but now I'm better and recoverd 12 pounds).

A year past, and I never forgot about the vegan idea I had the year before. I got a lot healthier, got my pounds back and wasn't suffering with iron insufficiency any more. So I made the decision on the day of my birthday (last saturday), to become vegan. 

I will talk about the reasons I decided to start this vegan journey in another post, today I'm just going to talk about this one week experience, what did I do and what did I feel. Well, I decided to become a vegetarian/pescetarian first, so that I don't feel like I crave something. I think this is a easy way to reach the full picture, that is veganism. I actually didn't eat fish this week. I am eating only fresh fruits, vegetables, carbs , a lot of protein and other things of course. As I am lactose intolerant, I think it will be much easier not to eat the dairy products. So that is a step closer to becoming a vegan I think.

I've been feeling a lot better since last week, I don't get sick every time a eat lunch. I usually get very discomfortable after eating meat and I feel like the meat doesn't digest well in my stomach, and it feels like that until night time. And this week was a relived, a felt energetic and not hungry at all. A count my proteins, so that I don't miss them and get sick or something. And I cooked for myself this week. I love beeing in the kitchen with my mom, we usualy make lunch together, so this week we created some vegetarian dishes. I don't know how I am going to make food this week because my school starts tomorrow, and I usually am home by 12:30, the time we eat lunch here in Brazil. So I'm planning my meals for this week, so I don't bother my mom in doing my vegan meals.

This week was a week of research.I watched a lot of heartbreaking documentaries about animals and how meat is made. It was just awful, I cried while watching one of these documentaries. Is just so horrid how we know that this all happends and prefer not to think about it. And I watched I lot of youtube videos of other people talking about their journey and how they are healthier and happier than ever, after they became vegan.

This first week was great, I never felt this good before when eating. I feel like I'm doing something good for myself and my health,  for the animals and the environment. If the first week was this great, I imagine how the others are going to be. Even better I hope!

So I hope you all enjoyed this post. If you are vegan or pescetarian or vegetarian, comment down bellow your experience and when did you decided to start this journey.

Have a great week, 


Friday, July 24, 2015

Why I Read ?

Such a simple question, but sometimes people don't know the answer to it. I didn't know the answer to it until a few days ago, before I actually thought about it and wrote the reasons down on a piece of paper. The idea for this post came from a video on youtube that the title was the same as the title of this post. The video just made me think a lot about the subject and reflect about my motives and reasons that I, myself, read. 

Well, it might be a foolish thing to think about, and probably write about. There are so many things to think about and I am specifically thinking about why I read. Is something unusual to ponder on about, because is reading, everyone does it and anyone can do it. You don't need a reason.

I never thought I had a reason. I just read because I just like doing so. You might say " But Ana, that reason is very common, everybody reads for that reason, and it is not a very interesting blog post topic". Well, it isn't that interesting of a topic to read about, but I just feel writing what is in my mind, and well, this is. 

I read because I love the way it makes me feel. Cliché, I know. But it is true. I love the feeling of belonging that it gives, like I am a part of something bigger, another place, another world. Is like an escape, actually it IS an escape. You can go wherever you want, wherever you feel like to. And be whoever you want in this new place. You just have to pick a book from yourshelf and dive in to this new and fantastic world. 
Sometimes when I feel stressed out, I like to read a very high fantasy book, filled with magic and magical creatures, just so that I can escape far far away from this reality and world for a little bit.

I read because I like the way books feel. Having a book in your hands is just incredible.When I hold a book and open the pages is like I'm opening my on Narnia wardrobe and preparing myself to a new adventure a new identity. When you flip the page there is always that thing that happends in your stomach when you are enthusiatic, anxiety when in flipping the page and knowing what is going to happend.

I'm not going to lie, books make be feel intelligent and clever. I might sound arrogant, but I will promise I'm not. It is a good feeling, makes me feel more confident about myself, like I can make my dreams come true, like I can conquer what I want in life.

Books become your best friend. That's another reason I read. I have friends in real life of course, but in a book you can find a place and people who you can talk to without being judge and always being able to go back to it's company. It might seem crazy to people that don't feel this connection with a book to consider it your friend. Well, it might seem crazy, actually it is a little, but someone who reads knows what it feels.

I read because I like to disapper once in a while. You know that feeling that you have when you forget that you are reading a book and that it seems that you are in the story. You lose track of time and become engaged to the story, is like you forget that it is not real, that it is just a book. I love that feeling.

I read because I like to learn. I think that there is no better way of learning about something if not reading a book. I've learn so much throughout the years that I read that I think I could not even measure it. In a world that technology has overshadow the books, is hard to find someone who picks a book up to learn about a certain topic. Even I don't do that sometimes. 

I read because I like to understand people. I noticed that I became, after starting reading, a listener. I can understand people very easily without judging them. And I have to thank my books for that. I think when you read, specially when reading in the first person perspective, you learn alot about listening. You understand the characters, because is like you are in their heads, you know what they are thinking and what they are feeling. And in my experience with that in books, transpired in my personality and in real life.

 There is probably a lot other reasons that I read and why I love to do it. But that's all I could think of and write down. Feel free to share the reasons you read and why do you like it so much, down bellow, on the comment section. I hope you didn't think I was insane because of this post.

So have a great weekend,


Monday, July 20, 2015

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas | Book Review

I finished the book two days ago. I meant to write a review right away but I was busy this past weekend, so I just decided to wait a little. I borrowed this book from one of my friends who insisted to read it. She told me it would become one of my favorites and that it is different from everything I have read before. So I read it and I have to agree with her, it is such a good book and very unique indeed.

First of all if you haven't read the book yet, I have to warn you that this might have spoilers. If you are interested on reading this book you can click on the link of the the Summary of the book, so that you can know what it is about and continue on reading my review.

Now that that is all clear, let's start...

The first positive aspect for me was that there wasn't a love triangle, well, not in the first book actually. You can predict that it wil have a love triangle in the next book maybe, but it won't be the main focus of the whole series. That's an other thing that made me like this book, the "romance" didn't overshadow the action, main story and mystery of the book. It just made the book more addictive and pleasant to read.

Talking about reading, the way this book was written made it very smooth to read (I read it in portuguese). The dialogues were very hooking, I just didn't want to stop reading their interactions. And the way the details were described enriched the book, like for an example the fight scenes, they were described with such precision that I thought I was in the middle of that fight and that I was part of the story. It may not be that pleasant actually, if you think about it, but I love feeling like I'm a part of the book.

Still talking about the writing, the book was written in different perspectives. But the different thing was that each character did not have it's own chapter. It was kind of confusing at first because continuing to the next paragraph you realize that it is another character talking, but later I noticed that that made the book a lot more interesting. Because it narrated the characters point of view like if they were all in the same place. Let me see if I can explain better for you...It is like if there were like two characters at the same place and the book narrates one characters perspective first than it narrates the other. Or, another example, is when two characters are in different places but the author narrates them as they were in the same time.

I hope you understood my explanation...

Now let's talk about the characters. Celaena was just the most awesome main character ever. She is feisty, spirited, sarcastic, smart and very bad ass. I loved reading her dialogues with the other characters, her presence made everything more lively. Second character  is Prince Dorian, he was just so charming and very prince like of course. He made the dialogues with Celaena even more awesome. And I really liked his personality, he wasn't like a snobby typical prince, he was courageous and cared for others.

Third Character and the last one I'm going to review is Chaol. He was a guard and best friend of Dorian. Although he was very unkind in the begining, he showed that he was very warmhearted and caring, specially when it came to his friends Cealena and Dorian.

I'm not going to talk about the other characters, just to not give the story away. Every character has an important role in the book, so it might give a little of the story.

Now a little about the mystery. You might think that the main focus of the book is finding the killer of the competitors and that is the mystery. But I noticed, you might have noticed too, that the ''mystery" of the killer leads to a much bigger picture. To Magic. And that is the mystery that will probably be solved is the other books.

To wrap up I'll say that I loved the book and that I'm planning to continue the series. And of course reviewing the series here on my blog. So I hope you all liked this review,

Have a great day and week,


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Am I Too Old For Ballet ?

If you are thinking about starting and enrolling in a ballet class but the insecurity because of your age or lack of knowledge about ballet does not let you? I can asure you that you are not alone. Many people are scared of starting, including myself in the beginnig, and not just ballet, but any type of sport or activity. Because they think they are too old for it or that they couldn't even get to a nice level of knowledge as easy as a younger person could.

Well, it is a fact that when you are younger things can go a lot easier and faster. Like for example flexibility, children are a lot more flexible than adults. That's why a lot of the professinal ballerinas now are like crazy flexible, it is because they started at a young age... or they are just geneticly gifted.

But I'm not here to dispirit you about how things would be alot easier in ballet if you just had started earlier. I'm here to encourage you to do ballet. Or not just ballet, it could be any other activity you are thinking about doing but are having doubts about it. Just try out a class just to see if you like or not, and if you feel comfortable in that enviroment, and then you can tell yourself that it wasn't for you, if you did not like it, and try something else. Because then at least you tried and overcomed your "fear" and doubts about that activity.

Ok let's focus on ballet now. There is no age to start ballet, no age at all. You can be 2 years old, 17 or even 80. There is no certain time to start a sport, specially ballet, that is a form of dance and expression. If you are a beginer and you are older than typical ballerinas, you can always find an adult class and start from there. Adult class is very good because almost everyone who's in it are people that are just starting doing ballet and are beginers (at least my class is like that). And that can be really nice because then everybody is in the same level and can start developping all together.

I have to be really realistic now... the much older you get the harder is going to be to become a professional ballerina. If you are thinking of starting a carrer on dancing, or you want to go to an academy and be a prima ballerina, you have to think and calculate the changes that you have according to your age and abilities. I'm not saying that is impossible to become a professional if you started at the age of 16 or even older (late for most ballerinas), it is just harder. But if you have the courage and the strenght to start, I asure you are going to make it. 

An example is Misty Copeland. She started ballet at an age that was considered late for her to become a professional, but that didn't stop her. And now she is a successful and a professional ballerina. Her dream came true. So if you work hard and if it is your dream, you are going to make it.

I am going to finish this post by saying to you guys that anything that you truly want in life, you can make it come true. And it does not matter your age or your ability with it. Nothing matters. The only thing that matters is your willpower. If you have that you will achieve your goal.

I hope you all are having a great week and happy PLL day,


p.s I'm just a beginer in ballet, so I don't know much. What I wrote in this post are researchs and my ballet teachers opinions. So I asure you that the information can be trusted. But if you find any flaws or a misinterpretation of my behalf , you can leave it down bellow and I will make corrections.
Thank You

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Paper Towns Movie Review

I went yesterday to the movies with my friends to see the film Paper Towns. It was my first time watching a movie that was inspired by a book without having had read the book itself. Because of that I can't make a true, awesome and detailed review comparing the movie with the book. I kind of felt guilty about it, specially because I loved the movie so much. But this is going to be an honest review written by a girl that didn't read the book before watching the movie. And I think most people can relate to this situation, I think, because most of the time people, inclueding myself, don't have time to read the book before the movie comes out.

But I will be doing a review on the book Paper Towns soon. I know for a fact that I will be getting the book as a birthday present from one of my best friends, so you can be sure that I will read it and write a review about. And I will definitly compare the book and the movie on that review, so don't worry.

I actually thought of not writing this post and just wait to read the book and review it with the movie, but I couldn't help myself, I loved this movie and I really needed to talk with you guys about it. I am not going to tell the story because I know most of you might know it already, because of it's popularity. So I'm just going to jump to the review and tell my true and honest opinion.

I laughed I lot in this movie, the characters were extremely funny and sarcastic like all of the other John Green characters. And they each were very unique and different from one another, if I had to pick my favorites characters it would be Margo and Quentin. 

I absolutely loved Margo's personality, she was such a free spirit, smart and very bold. She inspired me in ways, to be more adventurous and you know, just live life and just care for the things that really matter and not superficial stuff. And Quentin, he was amazing. Even if the movie was just like 2 hours, I could see his character developing, growing, getting out of his comfort zone and shell. And that really inspired me too.

Other thing that I really loved was that it happend in florida. If you don't now, florida is my birth state and I like to think that I am pretty attached to it in a way. And seeing it on the screen made me very happy.

Now about some technical stuff. The acting was just beautiful, But we have to take a minute for the american accent that Cara Delevigne did, it  was very awesome and very well done. In my opion she was a great actress.

I had a very Fault in Our Stars vibe in this movie, specially when Ansel Elgort poped up in the middle of the movie! All the people that were at the movies screamed, it was pretty awesome.

Now let's talk about the general story itself. The message that I got from the movie was so powerfull, that I need to read this book, because I think I will get an even bigger reflextion if I read every single word in those pages. I know that it is just fiction and it is just a book, but it doesn't mean that it can't deeply inspire you in a way that you can change the way you are living life. It made me think trough all of my goals in life and the ones from people that surround me. How all of these goal are superficial and don't matter at all actualy, and how we live in a world that everything that really matters doesn't matter and every single shallow thing is the most important.  

I don't know if everyone that watched this movie got the same message as me, but I know that I got it because now that I am finishing high school there is all this pressure that I have to choose a degree, go to college, get a job, get well payed, have a family and them I will be happy. But the movie showed that that isn't necessaraly true, why can't we be happy right now? Happy with the simple things and the things that matter.

I will end this post here, because if I don't I will continue talking and writting forever about this movie and topic. So, leave your comment and opion about the movie down bellow if you have watch it. Or if you had the same or other thoughts about the message of the movie, feel free to tell them down bellow.

I hope you all have a great weekend,


Thursday, July 9, 2015

What To Do On Your Winter/Summer Break? | 20 Ideas

Who doesn't love summer and winter break? There's no school, no homework, no projects and no stress. You can stay home all day, sleep late and wake up when you feel like it, but let's agree that it can be kind of boring sometimes when you do the same old thing every summer and every day, specially when it is just staying at home all day long. So, I thought of wirting down 20 ideas to inspire, not just you guys, but actually myself to make most of this year's winter/summer break. If you guys don't have a clue of what to do in this year's break, feel free to try some of these ideas out. They are quite simple and I can asure you that you wouldn't need my help to come up with them at all, but if you are in a desperate need of something to do right now, I think the ideas listed bellow can help you in some way.

So let's start, shall we?

1. Movie night 
Movie night is just a more grown up name for sleep over, in my opion. I love doing this, specially with my friends on a friday night. You can make some popcorn and other delicious food to eat while watching a great movie. It is just a very good way to reunite your best friends to catch up and plan activities for the winter and summer break.

2. Explore your city
I absolutely love doing this. Sometimes you think that there's nothing to do in your city and that you just want to visit other places. That is fun too, but maybe you are overlooking the great things that your city has, maybe there's some museums to visit, or maybe there's a concert happening or other cultural events. So, I extremely advise you to look up on the internet and inform yourself of what is happening in your city that you can be a part of.

3. DIY
A vey simple idea, but sometimes we can forget that it exists. If you have some old clothes or something that you had enough of, you can try diy it. It can make it look different and as if it was good as new. I love doing diys on my old denim pants, I just cut them and transform them in to cute shorts for the summer. You can add lace and cool things to make them more your style too. Another thing I like to do is collages, I love searching for images in my magazines and making an inspirational board.

4. Find new and different restaurants
I have a friends that loves discovering new places to eat. You might think that there is non in my city, but than she surprises you with a super cool and different restaurant to go to. Do a research on the internet and find new places to go to, maybe some mexican food or vegan food, I can asure that it will be lots of fun trying out new foods, specially when accompanied with friends.

5. Participate in a book marathon
There are a lot of marathons happening on youtube, you just have to find the one that fits you the best and just jump right in to it. A readathon is one of the best ways to read alot during breaks, you can read all the books you have to and still have fun with the different challenges that happend during it.

6. Bake something different
I love doing a baking day with my mom, she teaches me different dishes and desserts. It is very fun and distracting to bake, I really recommend you doing this it can really help to calm down and become stress free. And trying new recipes is just so fun and challenging, and if it turns out good you can totaly take a picture and post on any social media you want.

7. Teach yourself a new language
This is probably one of the most challenging ideas, but I asure you it is lots of fun. I am currently in the process of teaching myself french and italian, I know that if I want to be fluent in the language I will have to look up a course, but for now I am happy to now just the basics. It can be a very good experience if you like learning languages and new skills.

8. Learn a new skill
This one kind of goes in hand with the one above, but the skill that you can learn doesn't need to be something as dificult as a language. It can be as simple as baking, drawing, painting, decorating, singing, dancing and writing. You just have to choose the one that you are interested in and go for it.

9. Go on a trip
This is probably the most common idea ever, but I decided to write it here just to remind you that the trip doesn't need to be a huge one. It can be as simple as going on a road trip to the nearst town or beach, or just a trip to visit family and relatives. I think road trips are the best, specially with friends.

10. Enroll on a course
There are a lot of short summer courses that you can try out (This idea comes hand in hand with n° 8). If you are interested in dancing, you can enroll in a ballet or jazz course for the break, and if you really enjoyed it, it can become your new hobby for the rest of the year.

11. Prepare for the new school year
This one can be kind of sad to think about, specially when the only thing you want to think about is your break and that you never want it to end. But everyone knows that it will end sooner or later and that you better be prepare for it. Buy new school supplies, clothes, organize your agenda and make sure you did every single thing you wanted to do in the summer.

12. Journal your break
This is a great idea to keep you memories organized and all in one place, because you can always go back to them and relive some. The way I like to journal is with my blog, but you can journal through pictures or just the old fashion way of journaling, with a actual jounal or diary.

13. Start a blog
Simple idea, but a really fun one. I started my blog in december ( on my summer break), because I was bored and just wanted to do something different, and I wouldn't have guessed that I would love doing so. It is a great way to share your experiences that you had on your winter/summer break, and maybe it can become something that you really love doing.

14. Explore Netflix
If you are bored of watching the same old thing over and over again, I recommend you to explore netflix and find new movies and tv series that you would not think you would like. Whatch the first episode or the first 15 min, it can become your new favorite movie or show. Personally I love looking for those independent movies, that are not well known at all and watching it.

15. Go on a picnic
Very simple, but it can be a lot fun if you are with the right pepople, in the right place and with the right food. It is an awesome idea to just get out of the house and explore the nature around you, and plus you can bring some delicious snacks to make it all more memorable. And with friends everything becomes 100 times better.

16. Renovate your room
Is always good to make a change, why not change your room a little? Decorate your walls, diy some furniture, change the beding, paint the wall or find a theme maybe. I recommend you looking up some ideas on pinterest to inspire you to change your room. I think renovating your bedroom is the best way to star fresh in the new school year.

17. Sell, Swap and Buy Clothes
Another way to star fresh in the new school year is to declutter your closet. Separate the things you don't need and don't use and you can sell them on the internet or donate it, you can even swap with some friends. And after all of the selling and swapping, you can buy some new clothes to start the new year and that fit more your current style.

18. Start your own business
You know the clothes that you want to sell to help declutter yout closet? So why not open your own vintage shop at home or on the inernet? That is a very nice way to make some money for your break adventures and a good experience for a future curriculum or job. 
Or maybe if you like baking and you make delicious treats, you can sell them online or around your neighborhood. If you are good at something and you can make a business with it, try it! It can be a very nice way to enjoy your summer.

19. Spa Day
Maybe sometimes you just need time to relax by yourself and refresh your self. A spa day at home is the best idea, you can treat your hair and skin, and still watch some netflix. You can try a new homemade mask that you have seen on youtube and pinterest or just buy those already made mask at a near drugstore. Just enjoy your relax day.

20. Start Fresh
It can be by a new haircut, new clothes, a renovated room, a new job or a new skill. You name it. there are a lot of ways to start fresh, you just have to have the courage to try it. And the summer is the perfect time for that, because you have time to try new things. So, start fresh but always being true to yourself.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and that you are having a great summer. Enjoy every minute of your summer or winter break. Feel free to try some of these ideas out,


Friday, July 3, 2015

The Reading Habits Tag

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great Friday and that you are as happy for the weekend such as myself. This week was so stressful, I don't even have enough strenght to tell everything about it for you guys, because of my lack of energy. But of course, even tired, I wanted to write a little post for you all, just to show that I am alive and that I am ready for my two-week break, so be ready for more than one post a week on this blog.

Yes, you guessed it... another tag post. Well, for my defense I love answering tags and questions, specially when about books. And with all the tests I had these past three weeks, I kind of have been in a horrible place for creativity and time. But is finally over! 

Ok, I am just going to stop talking now about tests and school, and just think about good things, like books! 

Today I am going to answer the Reading Habits Tag. I found this tag on youtube, but I didn't find the person that created it, so I don't have links to put on this post. It is an awesome tag and very interesting questions, because we all have our little and unique habits while let's start.


1. Do you have a certain place at home to read?
2. Bookmark or Random piece of paper?
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or # pages?
4. Do you eat or drink while you reading?
5. Do you watch tv or listen to music while reading?
6. One BOOK at a time or several at once?
7. Reading at home or everywhere?
8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?
9. Do you ever read ahead or skip pages?
10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
11. Do you write in your books?


1. I kind of read everywhere and anywhere, but there is one place that I love reading, specially when no one is home. That would be the balcony. I love reading there in the mornings while the sun is coming out, it is a very peaceful place.
2. Bookmark. I love boomarks, I enjoy having those random ones that you get when you buy a book or that you get when people are promoting their books. I used to not care much about what I was marking my books with, but once I got my first bookmark everything changed.
3. I am  the type of person that has to finish the chapter or else I will be pretty annoyed about it. There is something really satisfying about finishing the chapter before closing the book, I have the feeling that the job was done.
4. Sometimes. I usually just eat an apple, but I really just prefer to eat after reading ot before it. Because then I don't get distracted as much.
5. I can do it, but I prefer not to. If I listen to music is usualy just classical.
6. If you had asked me this question a few years ago I would had answer "several books at once", but now I enjoy reading books very calmly and paying attention on the details. So reading one book at a time became my thing now, it really allows me to get fully into the story and get attached to the characters, things that I couldn't do before when reading more than one book at a time.
7. Everywhere!
8. I have read out loud before, I don't feel as comfortable as reading in my head. So silently is my choice. 
p.s when I read out loud I go from an american accent to british accent...I know is very weird.
9.No, I feel too guilty.
10.I don't mind breaking the spine actually. I love when my book are kind of ruined, that shows that they were well loved.
11. Yes. I love doing that. It is like my way to talk to the characters.

So I hope you liked this little post, and if you did feel free to answers the questions as well. Have a good weekend and an awesome 4th of July,
