Friday, July 3, 2015

The Reading Habits Tag

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great Friday and that you are as happy for the weekend such as myself. This week was so stressful, I don't even have enough strenght to tell everything about it for you guys, because of my lack of energy. But of course, even tired, I wanted to write a little post for you all, just to show that I am alive and that I am ready for my two-week break, so be ready for more than one post a week on this blog.

Yes, you guessed it... another tag post. Well, for my defense I love answering tags and questions, specially when about books. And with all the tests I had these past three weeks, I kind of have been in a horrible place for creativity and time. But is finally over! 

Ok, I am just going to stop talking now about tests and school, and just think about good things, like books! 

Today I am going to answer the Reading Habits Tag. I found this tag on youtube, but I didn't find the person that created it, so I don't have links to put on this post. It is an awesome tag and very interesting questions, because we all have our little and unique habits while let's start.


1. Do you have a certain place at home to read?
2. Bookmark or Random piece of paper?
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or # pages?
4. Do you eat or drink while you reading?
5. Do you watch tv or listen to music while reading?
6. One BOOK at a time or several at once?
7. Reading at home or everywhere?
8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?
9. Do you ever read ahead or skip pages?
10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
11. Do you write in your books?


1. I kind of read everywhere and anywhere, but there is one place that I love reading, specially when no one is home. That would be the balcony. I love reading there in the mornings while the sun is coming out, it is a very peaceful place.
2. Bookmark. I love boomarks, I enjoy having those random ones that you get when you buy a book or that you get when people are promoting their books. I used to not care much about what I was marking my books with, but once I got my first bookmark everything changed.
3. I am  the type of person that has to finish the chapter or else I will be pretty annoyed about it. There is something really satisfying about finishing the chapter before closing the book, I have the feeling that the job was done.
4. Sometimes. I usually just eat an apple, but I really just prefer to eat after reading ot before it. Because then I don't get distracted as much.
5. I can do it, but I prefer not to. If I listen to music is usualy just classical.
6. If you had asked me this question a few years ago I would had answer "several books at once", but now I enjoy reading books very calmly and paying attention on the details. So reading one book at a time became my thing now, it really allows me to get fully into the story and get attached to the characters, things that I couldn't do before when reading more than one book at a time.
7. Everywhere!
8. I have read out loud before, I don't feel as comfortable as reading in my head. So silently is my choice. 
p.s when I read out loud I go from an american accent to british accent...I know is very weird.
9.No, I feel too guilty.
10.I don't mind breaking the spine actually. I love when my book are kind of ruined, that shows that they were well loved.
11. Yes. I love doing that. It is like my way to talk to the characters.

So I hope you liked this little post, and if you did feel free to answers the questions as well. Have a good weekend and an awesome 4th of July,


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