Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Summer TBR ✔

There's only two weeks of summer left and two weeks for the beginning of school. That is why I want to read all the books I can, because I know that when school starts the only thing I will be reading are textbooks and nothing else. This are the books I am planning to read this month and next month. Some of them are in portuguese, because I need to do well in my writing and literature classes.

  1. Unwanted by Kristina Ohlsson

Fredrika Bergman is an invetigative analyst that has to uncover the mysterious abduction of a little girl from a crowded train, in Sweden. But the nighmares are just at the start, when the little girl is found dead with the word UNWANTED written in her forehead everything changes. 

2.   Mathilda Savitch by Victor Lodato

Mathilda Savitch lost her sister, pushed in front a moving train by a man that is still at loose. Her parents are devastated and just want to forget about the tragedy, but Mathilda is determined to investigate her sister's private life, like e-mails, diary and anything that she can find that can help her uncover her sister's death. 

3. Anne Frank - The Diary of a Young Girl

I can say that this one is a classic and very helpfull if studying WWII. It  is the diary of a young girl named Anne Framk, her and her family were jews that were hiding from the nazis. And in a diary she writes all that happens in her life during the war, and the diary reveals how he human spirit has an indestructible strenght.

4. The Infinities by John Banville

It is about this family that gather in their old family house, because of the father/husband, Adam, that is sick and dying. But the family does not have a good relationship, the communication between them is tense. But they are not alone, the greek gods, malicious spirits, arrived and observed in silence. But the silence doesn't last that long, it is a matter of time til the greek gods interfere in the life of these mortals.

5. Senhora by Jose de Alencar

Senhora = Mrs

 This book is a brazilian classic, my literature teacher recommended to our class saying that it was important to read it. This book was published in 1875. It is about this poor girl named Aurélia Camargo, she lost her father and brother, but she had her mother that told her that needed to get married. She fell in love with Fernando Rodrigues Seixas and he was going to ask her to merry him, but changed his mind because she was poor and he was too, and he would never be rich by her side.
 Then he decides to merry Adelaide, rich girl that offered him a dowry.
 Aurélia discovered that her grandfather left her an inheritance and she became wealthy. She buys Fernando dowry and marries him, but they live a false marrige, bacuse she never forgave him for what she have done to her.

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