Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Book Review: Looking for Alaska

I finished this books two weeks ago, but I couldn't do a review, starting school was stressfull and I didn't have time to put my thoughts together and write about it. But now I kind have some time, and I have to say that I loved this book. I thought I did not like it at first, but when I was like 100 pages in the book it started to get awesome and mysterious. I can't say why it became suddenly so mysterious or exciting to read, because that would be a huge spoiler. What I can say is that this book is much more than just high school teenager problems, it is about the meaning of life, and how someone can impact your life and change it completly and the search for a way out of the labyrith.

Jonh Green's writing in this book, was simply fantastic. It was like real teenagers narrrating the story, but they were special, they were like poets. The words that John Green wrote were like poetry, they all were deep and meaningful like all of his other books. I recommend this book to everybody, but specially to people who like contemporary.

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